August 19, 2010

Board of Regents
University of the Philippines System
Diliman, Quezon City


YPS’ians Greetings!

It is an honor for us to respectfully nominate Prof. Leonor Magtolis Briones as President of the University of the Philippines System. She is former Vice President for Finance and Administration of the University of the Philippines System, former Treasurer of the Philippines, former Secretary to the Commission on Audit, former Chair of the Board of Trustees of Silliman University, lead convenor of Social Watch Philippines and member of the faculty of the National College of Public Administration and Governance (NCPAG) of this university.

We believe that Prof. Briones fulfills the selection criteria adopted by the Board of Regents whether in the practice of her profession, her public life as a government official, and in her private life as a Filipino citizen and advocate for equitable and inclusive development for all Filipinos.

Selection Criteria-1

The stature of Prof. Briones in the academic profession is well established. Through her research, teaching and writing of textbooks, monographs, papers and articles, she has built up a formidable reputation for expertise in her fields of specialization, e.g. general public administration, including fiscal administration, local government and public enterprises (government-owned or controlled corporations).

Prof. Briones’ book, Philippine Public Fiscal Administration, is used in all schools of public administration in the country. Her case studies and other papers on corruption continue to be used in the John F. Kennedy School of Government in Harvard University as well as in other schools.

The administrative capability of Prof. Briones has been proven time and again in her work as former Vice-President of the University, former Treasurer of the Philippines and former Secretary to the Commission on Audit. As Chair of the Board of Silliman University, she led in the formulation of ground-breaking university policies.

There is no debate about Prof. Briones’ national and international reputation as a scholar. She has read papers in national, regional and international fora on subjects related to her field of interest. Her works have been published here and abroad.

There is no shadow of doubt on the probity and integrity of Prof. Briones. Her stints in two sensitive positions in the Commission on Audit and the Bureau of the Treasury were unclouded even by the merest hints of inappropriate behavior. Her public statements on graft and corruption, as well as her researches on the subject reflect her integrity and unwavering stand against corruption.

Selection Criteria- 2

We strongly believe that Prof. Briones possesses the political will and the political skills to defend and promote academic freedom and institutional autonomy. Her record during the Martial Law regime and her participation not only in the defense of academic freedom but also democracy in the country is well established. As Vice-President for Finance and Administration, she assisted the university president in defending and increasing the university budget before the Department of Budget and Management, as well as before the two houses of Congress without compromising academic freedom and institutional autonomy.

The commitment to academic excellence of Prof. Briones is obvious in her professional work. Whether she is addressing the United Nations General Assembly, engaging the House and the Senate on the national budget, writing popular columns, or capacitating farmers, worker, indigenous peoples and Muslim communities, rigorous research is evident in every table, chart, illustration and statement.

Prof. Briones has been with the university since 1960—first as a graduate student, then as researcher and eventually as a faculty member. Her participation in the life of the university under different administrations as well as different political environments has enabled her to form a clear and inspiring vision of UP’s role in the 21st century. Such a vision is based in actual historical experience a

Democratic governance has been the hallmark of Prof. Briones’ style of work, whether in government or in civil society organizations like Social Watch. As Treasurer, she activated the Employees Union which had earlier been immobilized, and conducted regular dialogues with employees. As Lead Convenor of Social Watch Philippines, she advocated for participatory budgeting. A bill is now pending in Congress to allow citizens’ organizations to participate in the budget process.

Selection Criteria- 3

Prof. Briones has proven her ability to raise funds without compromising the traditional values and ideals of academia. She has shown this in all the organizations she has served, notably Bureau of the Treasury and Social Watch Philippines. Furthermore, her varied experiences in different government agencies as well as civil society organizations have sharpened her capacity to manage available resources which can sustain the UP Modernization Program.
In all the organizations she managed, Prof. Briones is well known for her fairness in dealing with all constituents. She never resorted to persecution of those whose views were different from hers and discouraged factionalism.

Selection Criteria –4

Prof. Briones is a leading member of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines. This is evident in the life she lives- her devotion to human rights and justice and commitment to the poorest of the poor. Nonetheless, she has never used her Church to influence the University policy and practices. As Treasurer of the Philippines, she allowed different religious groups to carry on their activities outside of office hours. She does not promote a particular religion or school of thought in the performance of her public duties.

If chosen as university president, Prof. Briones will surely keep U.P. above politics. This, she has done for Silliman University. As a student, researcher and faculty member of the university, she has fought consistently for the rights of the members of the university to participate in political debates and campaign for their beliefs. She will do no less as UP president.

We hope that you will consider her nomination favorably.

Respectfully yours,



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